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Ways to Scatter Cremated Remains


While southern Florida may seem like a more glamorous area, Tampa actually offers many options for those tasked with planning end-of-life ceremonies. Why choose Tampa? There are plenty of beautiful memorial cemeteries,

847 Hits

Why Choose Cremation - Benefits and Options of Cremation


Why Choose Cremation - Benefits and Options of Cremation

Cremation has become a popular option in the United States, with over 50% of people choosing cremation. According to industry experts, this number will continue to rise for the foreseeable future.

858 Hits

Many Cremation Options


Sometimes our clients think that cremation has limited choices. When actually, cremation can increase your options and at much lower cost then a funeral.

Please remember private spreading, is spreading ashes in a publicly accessible location. You have to refer to state and county laws to determine if there are any restrictions or permits to obtain before spreading.

775 Hits

Why and When are Death Certificates Necessary?


death certificate may not be the document anyone wants to think about but does have an essential purpose. There are several reasons why you may need to obtain a death certificate, typically to show proof of death for legal purposes. It can be reasonably easy for an immediate family member to get a copy of a death certificate.

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Cremation Services
While southern Florida may seem like a more glamorous area, Tampa actually offers many options ...
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Why Choose Cremation - Benefits and Options of CremationCremation has become a popular option in the...
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Sometimes our clients think that cremation has limited choices. When actually, cremation can increas...
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A death certificate may not be the document anyone wants to think about but does have an e...

Eternal Cremations

Dunedin, FL 34698

Phone: 727-804-1702

Fax: 727-266-4014

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